photo d’un enfant et de sa maman lors d’une séance avec un professionnel qui utilise un ordinateur

Emoface PRO

Emoface PRO is the turnkey method to simplify the teaching of emotions to learners with autism or intellectual disabilities. You are psychologists, neuropsychologists, occupational therapists, specialized educators (…) ? Save time and run your sessions with ease. Discover Emoface PRO now !

Why Emoface PRO will revolutionize your learning of emotions ?

illustration de gain de temps

Time saving

Emoface PRO will save you time with complete and progressive exercises.

illustration d’un ordinateur avec des statistiques

Monitoring acquired skills

The tool analyzes learners’ results and thus tracks their progress precisely every day.

illustration d’une tablette avec une main qui navigue

Effective learning

Customization with Emoface PRO will allow you to meet the specific needs of each learner for better results.

Our solution : Emoface PRO

Your activities

photo d'un écran d'ordinateur avec la page du parcours de l'application Emoface PRO

Emoface PRO offers you a progressive course with 150 levels to work on basic emotions ranging from facial expressions to social scenarios. Mini games are at your disposal to improve your skills in imitation, recognition of emotions or even identification of different emotions. You also have the possibility of exploring your learner’s emotion according to their mood of the day with the creation of a tailor-made emotion.


illustration d’un avatar et d'un écran d'ordinateur avec la page statistique de l’application Emoface PRO

Emoface PRO continues to evolve and will continually offer you new features. The next ones will be on the theme of social scenarios: a story, a situation, one or more characters: what should I do? Which emotion is involved? Or how to manage it? This will be your challenge, as a professional, to best support your learners in this new challenge that is coming.

Purchase terms

photo d’un enfant et de son papa avec un ordinateur dans les mains

With Emoface PRO, you will have access to 10 profiles for your learners. You also benefit from a 14-day trial period for any first subscription. If you want more than 10 profiles, contact us telling us your needs, a quote will be provided to you in less than 24 hours (working days).

App Features

  • 10 profiles per account
  • 6 basic emotions
  • 3 ways to play: journey, games and exploration
  • Educational journey: 30 levels to discover emotions
  • Games: 5 different activities
  • Image library: 6 characters and 2 people
  • Game configuration: various emotions and levels of complexity
  • Reproducing emotions using the webcam
  • Track progress: learning notebook and statistics
  • Voice instructions for all activities
  • Personalized expressions of your favorite character
  • Custom profile
  • Custom library
  • Support

Abonnements Emoface PRO

Abonnement mensuel

16 99
/ Mois

Abonnement annuel

149 99
/ Mois

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