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Emoface Play & Learn Emotions

The application for training emotion recognition for autistic people is available on tablets, smartphones, iPhones and iPads. Specifically designed for professionals and families.

What's it for ?

Emoface Play & Learn Emotions is an interactive application designed to help people with autism learn and recognize emotions. Through playful exercises, a variety of games and an exploration of facial expressions, the application offers a complete journey for developing social-emotional skills.

étoile jaune avec un sourire qui tient un drapeau


Learn to distinguish each emotion and recognize it according to facial expressions and to different daily life situations through 150 fun exercises.

manette de jeux vidéo dans un cercle


Interact with each type of emotion with varying degrees of difficulty and the application will propose a different content each time you play.

visage souriant avec un appareil photo devant lui


Discover the range of facial expressions using avatars that allow changes of facial features to express each emotion.

visage d’une petite fille à côté d’un graphique à barre

Multiple profiles & Statistics

Track the journey through the world of emotions with the help of individual statistics. The app can be used by several children, evaluating each one’s progression separately.

appareil polaroid avec photo d’un monstre


Benefit from a personalized learning experience through games, through family pictures or by adjusting the level of support.

Who is Emoface Play & Learn Emotions for ?

The app is designed for people with autism, but is also suitable for people with neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as anyone who needs to improve their social-emotional skills.

This tool is intended for health and education professionals, both in private practice and in structures, as well as families wishing to continue learning at home.

photo d’une petite fille qui travaille sur la tablette

Benefits for professionals

illustration de gain de temps

Time saving

Benefit from significant time saving in preparing your sessions thanks to the application.

illustration d’un ordinateur avec des statistiques

Easy tracking

Benefit from a digital tool that facilitates learner monitoring by providing concrete data for precise evaluation.

illustration d’une photo polaroid

Learner-centered personalization

Offer a unique tailor-made learning experience with a tool that adapts precisely to the needs of each learner.

illustration groupe de trois experts

Methodology co-constructed with experts

Adopt an effective learning methodology, developed in collaboration with researchers, therapists, and people specializing in the autism spectrum.

Benefits for families

personnage qui lit un livre

Home learning continuity

Encourage learning at home for continuous skills development.

illustration de personnages sur une tablette

Fun family moments

Share fun moments with your family while reinforcing learning.

illustration d’une tablette avec une main qui navigue

Clear monitoring of the child's progress

Get a better understanding of your child’s development with accurate tracking of their progress.

How to use it ?

Users can learn and play at their own pace. Length of use depends on individual preferences and learning goals. However, it is recommended by our experts to spend 5 to 10 minutes on the application in order to optimize results.

Usability study at LiLLaB

logo du Lillab (Living & Learning Lab Neurodéveloppement)

“During our previous study (publication in progress), it was demonstrated that the application could be used both in children and in adults in their thirties with ASD, with or without oral language and with or without intellectual disability.”

Charline Grossard, Speech Therapist

photo de l’application Emoface Play & Learn Emotions sur une tablette et un téléphone
logo d’Emoface Play and Learn Emotions

The application is available in French, English, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

You can download Emoface Play & Learn Emotions on your phone and tablet whether you are using an Apple device via the App Store or an Android device via Google Play. Enjoy emotional learning wherever you are!

App Features

  • 10 profiles per account
  • 6 basic emotions
  • 3 ways to play: journey, games and exploration
  • Educational journey: 30 levels to discover emotions
  • Games: 5 different activities
  • Image library: 6 characters and 2 people
  • Game configuration: various emotions and levels of complexity
  • Reproducing emotions using the webcam
  • Track progress: learning notebook and statistics
  • Voice instructions for all activities
  • Personalized expressions of your favorite character
  • Custom profile
  • Custom library
  • No ads
  • Support
  • 3 profiles per account
  • 6 basic emotions
  • 3 ways to play: journey, games and exploration
  • Educational journey: 30 levels to discover emotions
  • Games: 5 different activities
  • Image library: 6 characters and 2 people
  • Game configuration: various emotions and levels of complexity
  • Reproducing emotions using the webcam
  • Track progress: learning notebook and statistics
  • Voice instructions for all activities
  • Personalized expressions of your favorite character
  • Custom profile
  • Custom library
  • No ads
  • Support
  • Number of customizable profiles
  • 6 basic emotions
  • 3 ways to play: journey, games and exploration
  • Educational journey: 30 levels to discover emotions
  • Games: 5 different activities
  • Image library: 6 characters and 2 people
  • Game configuration: various emotions and levels of complexity
  • Reproducing emotions using the webcam
  • Track progress: learning notebook and statistics
  • Voice instructions for all activities
  • Personalized expressions of your favorite character
  • Custom profile
  • Custom library
  • No ads
  • Support

Discover Emoface PRO


photo de l’équipe Emoface dans un bureau en train de présenter l’application Emoface Play & Learn Emotions

Emoface offers training and webinars aimed at familiarizing you with our digital tools, but also at deepening your knowledge of autism and related subjects.

Discover our solutions

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