Emoface’s story begins with science

Welcome to Emoface, a spin-off from Grenoble-Alpes University, born within the Gipsa-Lab and INRIA laboratories mixed multidisciplinary research units from CNRS, Grenoble-INP, and UGA.  Emoface draws its roots from five years of in-depth academic research. Specializing in the generation of emotional 3D animations, our scientific journey is marked by a sustained commitment to excellence and innovation.

Our mission

“We have a very clear idea of what we dream of accomplishing: helping humanity better understand itself. To put it more simply: we want to bring people together.”
Adela Barbulescu, CEO of Emoface
photo de l’équipe emoface en réunion

At Emoface, our mission is to play a key role in improving the quality of life of people with autistic disorders and other difficulties related to social and emotional communication. By placing emotions at the heart of our approach, we want to create tools that promote deeper understanding and smoother communication. Our commitment to continuous research and technological development aims to offer tailored, individual-centered solutions.

Join us on this adventure where cutting-edge scientific research meets technological creativity, to create a universe where emotions come to life in new ways.

Our Co-Founders

Photo d'Adela

Adela Barbulescu - CEO and Co-founder

Adela Barbulescu embodies the vision and technical expertise of Emoface as CEO and co-founder. She built the foundations of the company by developing the artificial intelligence algorithms that are at the heart of the Emoface application.

Her studies, which began in Romania, led her to Denmark, and ultimately to the University of Grenoble-Alpes. There, from 2012 to 2016, she devoted her thesis in computer science to the generation of emotions with 3D avatars.

Adela quickly realized that the fruits of her research could provide significant benefits to those who have difficulty interpreting facial expressions and emotions. Driven by the desire to create a concrete solution, she created the first Emoface prototype.

Photo de Mayra et de sa soeur Marcia

Mayra Lima - Creative Director and Co-Founder

Mayra Lima, co-founder of Emoface, brings her creativity and design skills as Creative and Marketing Director of the start-up. Specializing in UX/UI design, she is responsible for the product design and brand identity of Emoface.

Mayra’s journey is deeply rooted in her personal understanding of the particularities of learning and communication. Her sister is autistic and non-verbal, and being able to communicate with her is her life goal. This quest led her to explore the role of design in the development of communication in autistic people, making this cause her specialty.

With a degree in advertising obtained in Brazil in 2009, Mayra went on to explore various countries, learning new languages and developing an awareness of the difficulty of navigating an unfamiliar environment. This experience reinforced her beliefs that communication, especially for those who see the world differently, is a valuable key to simplifying the complexity of the world around us.

The meeting and the obviousness

Adela and Mayra, two passionate minds, finally meet in 2017 and decide to join forces to create innovative tools aimed at improving emotions management and social interactions. Their conviction is clear: gaming is the ideal way to learn to interact while having fun. After years of research and development, the first Emoface application was released in spring 2020, the result of their dedication to transforming a study project into a concrete solution.

The Emoface team

Adela Barbulescu

Adela Barbulescu

CEO & Co-founder
PhD in Computer Science - AI & 3D avatars
Mayra Lima

Mayra Lima

Creative Director & Co-founder
UX-UI Designer for Autism
Elodie Soufi

Elodie Soufi

Marketing and Customer Experience Manager
Alexandra Rigal

Alexandra Rigal

Commercial Manager
Antoine Begault

Antoine Begault

CTO & 3D graphics research engineer
Valentin Masson

Valentin Masson

UNITY Developer
Mélanie Drevet

Mélanie Drevet

UX/UI Designer

Emoface key events

December 2012
Important event

Dec 2012 - Dec 2016

Thesis and postdoc Adela (Gipsa-lab, Inria, UGA)

April 2017
Incubators & Mentors

2017 - 2019

SATT Linksium Incubation

November 2017
Important event


Arrival of Mayra

September 2018
Team & Scientific Consultants

Clinical speech therapy

Arrival of Juliette

January 2020
Incubators & Mentors

Janvier 2020 - Janvier 2021

Ronalpia Incubation

April 2020
Important event

Beta launch of the Emoface Play & Learn Emotions app

June 2020
Subventions & Prizes

Winner of the National i-Lab Competition

September 2020
Subventions & Prizes

Innovators for Children Prize (Impact Hub)

October 2020
Subventions & Prizes

Jacques Chirac Foundation Innovation Prize

November 2020
Subventions & Prizes

French Tech Emergence Scholarship (BPI France)

December 2020
Incubators & Mentors

Orange support

January 2021
Incubators & Mentors

Winner "Réseau Entreprendre"

March 2021
Important event

Launch of the Emoface Play & Learn Emotions application on the stores

April 2021
Important event

Pre-studies and clinical study with LiLLab

June 2022
Important event

LiLLab presents the preliminary result of their clinical study on the Emoface Play & Learn Emotions application

July 2022
Important event

Launch of Emohelp in collaboration with Help Autisme

November 2022
Important event

Emoface obtains the MIAI Label

March 2023
Important event

Launch of Emocare

May 2023
Subventions & Prizes

Winner of the Women TechEU call for projects

August 2023
Incubators & Mentors

Selected for the Multiple Accelerator program

November 2023
Subventions & Prizes

Winner of the call for projects Innovate to compensate for the handicap of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region

November 2023
Important event

Launch of training

January 2024
Important event

Launch of webinars on the theme of autism

Scientific committee

Anna Malika-Camblats

Anna Malika-Camblats

Researcher in neuropsychology at the University of Bordeaux
Clinical research for neuropsychological evaluation assessments. Creator of the EMOPSY emotional assessment tool for people with cognitive disorders.
Gérard Bailly

Gérard Bailly

CNRS Research Director & Researcher in speech and cognition
Research in speech synthesis and social cognition for the development of affective interfaces and new learning methodologies. (GIPSA-Lab, CNRS)
Charline Grossard

Charline Grossard

Junior Professor, Chair in Digital Communication, Gaming, Public Health Speech Therapist & Autism Clinical Researcher
University of Lorraine, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière, ISIR and LiLLAB Research in the evaluation of therapeutic games for autism, on skills such as emotional expression.
Rémi Ronfard

Rémi Ronfard

INRIA Research Director & 3D graphics researcher
Research in 3D graphics and virtual worlds, in the development of new 3D creation methods for virtual cinematography.

Committed partners

We are proud to be part of a committed community that supports and enriches our progress. The Emoface project benefits from the support and feedback of carefully selected partners from academic, scientific, educational and medical circles. This collaboration, anchored in a multidisciplinary approach, allows us to explore new horizons and push the limits of technology to offer innovative solutions.

Hicham Kebdou

Hicham Kebdou

Father of Younès & President of SAISIPA
Emoface Ambassador
Daoud Tatou

Daoud Tatou

President of the Adult Autism Center “The Silence of the Righteous”
Inspiration for the film “Hors Normes”
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